Why is Private Jet Card Membership a Good Investment for Business Travelers?

Private jet rental is an increasingly attractive and popular option for business travelers. While it has a higher upfront cost for them, the time and money savings more than make up for this. What they may not realize is that a private jet card membership could give them cheaper flights and a premium service.

Let’s look at why jet cards are a good investment for:

Time-Efficiency and Convenience

Ask frequent travelers what they most dislike about flying commercially, and their answers will often include:

These factors can add hours to a journey. Time spent queuing and waiting can be longer than the flight in some cases.

Compare this to private jet travel. Passengers can arrive shortly before their plane leaves, and relax in a quiet, comfortable private lounge provided by the Fixed Base Operator (FBO). Meanwhile, the FBO staff will handle the necessary checks quickly, and all luggage will be loaded carefully onto the plane.

Flexibility and Accessibility

Private jet charter frees travelers from the restrictions of airline timetables. No more antisocial flight times and red-eye flights; private fliers set their own flight schedule.

This means no more wasted hours and forced layovers while waiting for onward or return flights. As soon as business is concluded, a traveler can board a private jet at the nearest airport and return home—or fly straight to another appointment.

For charter-by-charter travelers, the only issue can be limited flight availability at short notice or peak times. They may sometimes have to compromise on departure time or place, or their choice of jet. This is where private jet card membership comes into its own, as it guarantees access to flights.

Another huge advantage of private jet travel is the wider choice of airports. Privately chartered jets can use around ten times the number of airports served by commercial airlines. This means private fliers can often:

This has the knock-on effect of reducing or even eliminating transfers, which in turn saves time, stress, and money. It’s one of the many ways in which private jet charter can make business travel much more convenient and efficient.

Personalized Services and Comfort

With many more airports at their disposal and flights available at any time they choose, private fliers have full control over their itineraries. They can travel just as conveniently between meetings and events as they would by car—just far more quickly and comfortably! Multi-stop trips that may have required a week and multiple layovers may be achievable in just a day or two.

Of course, private jets also offer the option of sleeping on the plane and even in a proper bed (another time-saver). Full dining rooms, ensuite bedrooms and meeting rooms are available on some jets. Their cabins are spacious, with comfortable, top-of-the-range seating and top-class technology and entertainment services.

Private fliers can enjoy bespoke catering, specialist staff, security services both in-flight and on the ground, and concierge services to arrange items such as accommodation, theater tickets and restaurant reservations. Some Fixed Base Operators also offer accommodation, private bars and restaurants, meeting rooms, and even gyms in their private terminals or areas.

Every aspect of a journey can be tailored to meet the needs of the traveler, and private jet card holders can expect to be prioritized and receive premium service.

Networking and Productivity

Crowded airports and commercial jet cabins don’t lend themselves to productivity. The lack of space, privacy and peace and quiet means it can be very hard, if not impossible, to work or make business calls, discuss confidential matters or work on sensitive materials.

Private jet travel, however, provides the ideal environment to do business as usual, reducing wasted time. Confidential matters can be discussed in-flight with colleagues, whether they’re on the plane or back at the office. Sensitive materials can be worked on without security concerns, and it’s easy to concentrate in this peaceful environment. Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and the latest media technology mean travelers stay connected, and can easily hold meetings or give presentations.

Private Jet Card Memberships: The Cost-Efficient, Comfortable and Convenient Way to Fly

By reducing transfers, eliminating layovers, optimizing itineraries, and boosting productivity, private jet charter can save an amazing amount of time and money.

However, private jet card memberships go one stage further. Not only do they guarantee flights, but they also offer reduced flight prices. Depending on the jet card, card holders either buy flight hours in advance at a fixed hourly rate in advance or deposit funds upfront, receiving reduced prices in return. They also avoid many of the fees payable when booking charters flight-by-flight, such as aircraft repositioning fees.

These factors mean most businesspeople already flying privately for 25 hours or more a year will save money with a private jet card, while enjoying a higher level of service.

Private jet cards also make the cost of private flights more feasible and attractive for those still flying commercially, particularly when the time and cost savings are considered. If you’re a frequent flier, it’s well worth investigating the different jet card memberships available.

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