Learning from Robots

Learning from Robots

Robots are now used even in the education sector. They enable students to have better knowledge of how they are programmed and robotics in general.

Technology plays a crucial role in human progress. Technology has enabled the human race to excel, whether you are using stones, a smartphone, or even a stick. Tech is now more ubiquitous than ever before, and classrooms are getting more digitized. The advantages and disadvantages of using AI (Artificial Intelligence) in schools have taken center stage in different heated debates between tech and education experts.

After all, robots are becoming more intelligent as AI becomes more of a reality and not just science-fiction. In light of this, educators might find themselves amid digital classrooms headed by AI’s.

Advantages and disadvantages of AI 

  1. Personalized learning: There’s alot of attention that is being given to what is being taught in schools. This attention is, however, nothing new as curriculums have always been given special attention. However, the manner through which a student learns is as important as what it is they’re learning. Having AI incorporated in schools gives teachers a clearer picture of how the students are learning, enabling them to make appropriate changes.
  2. Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS): These may have once sounded like a far-off dream but are slowly getting realized. As opposed to other robots, ITS can function without the presence of a teacher. They also have the ability to challenge learners via various algorithms effectively.
  3. Formation of adaptive groups: Once the learner’s information has been adequately analyzed, the AI can generate tailor-made groups to fit a group or specific tasks. That way, a learner’s strengths will be balanced with another learner’s weaknesses.
  4. Leading by example: Effective collaboration models are used to support a learner and even assist them with identifying strategies that will help then solve problems effectively.
  5. Intelligent moderation: This makes it possible for human tutors, teachers, and moderators to analyze data that a large group has produced. They can do this with help from AI techniques such as machine learning. As a result, educators will become more efficient in the classroom.
  6. VR learning: Virtual reality-assisted learning makes it possible for tutors to give educational support beyond the conventional boundaries of classrooms. These virtual environments give out realistic immersion giving learners a better understanding. VR learning is also a stepping-stone as it offers learners a glimpse of real-life situations. AIs that have been fully integrated help with precision surgeries, job training, knowledge management, and fraud detection, to mention a few.
  7. Grading software: Software that grades student essays are a welcomed idea. Each graded essay is then saved in a database where they will all be compared.
  8. Problem solving in real-time: This lessens teachers’ load by giving simultaneous classroom setting instructions.
  9. Course quality improvement: AI has the ability to analyze patterns whereby many students give wrong answers to a common question. Educators are then notified of this, thus making human educators more effective.
  10. Predictive analysis and dynamic scheduling: Predictive computing means the AI can know students’ habits. That way, they’ll be able to propose efficient study schedules. This is most beneficial to people who do repetitive tasks like medical interns and customer service agents. Machines never get tired, bored, or even need breaks. The only time machines will stop working is when they are undergoing maintenance or have encountered a problem.
  11. Custom textbooks: After educators have imported syllabuses, AIs will then generate core content CTI. This results in remarkable customization for each year, class, and grade.
  12. Virtual humans: Even though this sounds like part of a sci-fi movie, virtual humans are already in existence. For example, the Boston Museum of Sciences has “the twins.” Virtual humans are cost-effective and can work round the clock.
  13. Gamification: using intelligent learning environments that are game-based motivates learners and promotes retention because learning will now be more fun.
  14. Machine translation: Even though humans are still more superior to robots on matters of translation, robots can still do a more efficient and faster job at translating. Thus, the gap that’s there for students using a different language will be bridged.
  15. Empowering the differently-abled: Learning from robots augments the educational experience for those with disabilities. Companies such as Facebook are already developing such robots. These robots will give those with disabilities a better autonomy sense.

Why you should be skeptical 

The cost

Repairing, maintaining, and installing AI is an expensive affair. As it is, only schools with good funds can afford to use them.


Daily dependence on machines for daily tasks could lead to technology addiction.

Zero personal connections

Even though the use of AI will improve the quality of education given, they could eventually substitute personal interaction. Too much dependency on robots could cause educational oversights, which may be more harmful than helpful.


Educators could find themselves less needed in schools as AI’s take over.

Informed decision-making ability

While AI’s are getting smarter by the day, there is still a debate on whether they can make intuition-based decisions.

Information loss

Imagine a situation where the AI needs to be repaired. Where will the information it had stored go to? Does it mean that the information will have to be saved again?


When you look at the above list, it is clear that the pros of using robots are more than the cons. However, for an institution to fully benefit from artificial intelligence, there must be a balance of some sort. The balance should be between the robots and their users.

Using AI in classrooms is not meant to take the place of educators but instead make their work easier.

When integrating a digital classroom with an intranet, students get a more comprehensive learning option in hybrid environments. They will have options where their replies can be automated. There’ll also be lessons and content specially made to suit a specific student’s learning needs. Moreover, there is a social platform where students can interact with their parents and teachers.

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