How to Maximize Sales with Google Ads for Ecommerce

Over the course of time, many ecommerce businesses owners have been pulled away from Search Ad campaigns because of their overly competitive landscape, the possibility of low-value traffic, overspending and ultimate campaign failure with huge loss. While this is reasonable, the data says otherwise. According to a recent study, it’s been found that most Google Ad campaigns fail because businesses and marketers don’t have a way of religiously tracking conversion in the first place. Many companies even fail to optimize their landing pages for different devices or simply lack enough knowledge about ad spend efficiency. In other words, many ecommerce businesses pay the price for not having fundamental insight on Google Ads, of course, despite its challenges.

In this article, we jotted down 6 ways you can maximize your ecommerce sales with Google Ads.

Let’s take a look.

1.   Choose the best negative keywords

You will be surprised to know how many ecommerce marketing campaigns fail due to overspending with very low-value traffic and even lower conversion. And the overspending occurs when wrong customers with different search intent find your ads as their search queries and click on them aimlessly, leaving your ecommerce marketing campaign unexpectedly high click rates and unnecessary impressions that eat up all your PPC budget. To save your campaign from such a disaster, negative keywords can be a powerful Google Ad tool.

The purpose of negative keywords is to rule out all the bad traffic while improving your ad CTR, capturing relevant audiences and boosting sales simultaneously. The more precise you are with your negative keyword research, the bigger your chance to get valuable leads and successful conversions.

2.   Optimize key landing page

Your ecommerce landing page plays a very significant role in your PPC campaign if your ultimate goal is to engage your target audience, get potential leads and have successful conversions. Landing page optimization is a process of creating highly engaging, relevant and well-designed pages for target customers who land on your page through your ad. So make sure your landing page has all the gratifying elements, including-

3.   Use dynamic retargeting

Retargeting ads entice previously visited users to return to your website by using simple tracking codes and showing them relevant ads based on their browsing pattern on Google Display Network websites. Ecommerce websites can take leverage of past visitors by displaying these retargeting ads, as these are not mere traffic but also traffic with high conversion possibilities. Furthermore, as these visitors are already familiar with your business, products or services, they will land on your page, hoping to purchase something with increased brand awareness. In other words, you won’t lose your money in a gutter, but rather on potential customers you know have some degree of knowledge and interest about your business.

4.   Don’t neglect Google Ad Extensions especially price extensions

Google ad extensions are marketing tools designed for intent-rich micro-moments that can provide additional information about your business to the target customers and give your ads more visibility and authenticity on the search result page. With all the necessary information you haven’t used in your ad message, these ad extensions give your ads more relevance and click ability while improving ad rank, CTR, and quality score.

However, out of many ad extensions, price extensions can play the most significant role. This is because price extension adds more value to your Search Networking and give marketers a broader opportunity to display ecommerce product details and product links directly to the side, giving your ad more tangibility. This way, customers will be fully aware of what they are getting into, with no surprises and no halting!

5.   Discover seasonal opportunities

While playing your ad campaign for an upcoming season, consider looking back and thoroughly reviewing last year’s results and optimizing seasonal trends to set your new paid ad campaign benchmark. The data review also includes digging up last year’s successful high season keywords that you have kept on hold. Then, when the holiday season is just around the corner, reactivate the keywords and customize your search ad campaigns based on more customer data like demographics, Remarketing lists for search ads (RSLA), similar audiences for search ads etc.

Ok, now let’s get into the little risker part. Holidays are the perfect time for marketers to venture out of exact match keywords. Brand Match and Phrase Match keywords in your ads can work like a charm for a broader demographic of searchers and expand your ecommerce footprint more prominently than ever, with more target customers, more exposure and maximized sales! Just keep a keen eye on the relevance and consistency of the keywords, and you are good to go!

6.   Highlight discounts, sales and special offers

Online visitors and customers are in the whirlpool of products and service adverts. Rather than being bombarded by similar product ads over and over, customers simply want to make the best purchase through a business that stands out. So while optimizing your search ad campaign, you need to make sure you are highlighting the best shopping deals within your ad. Google is currently highlighting the best shopping offers in search results to help ecommerce businesses expand their footprint and boost visibility. For the best outcome, you can use promotion extensions that allow you to add a small piece of feed-driven text information about your site’s promotions along with direct links near the bottom of your ad.

Final words

Even in 2022, Google Ads is one of the most potent lead-capturing tools for any online marketing campaign. With adequate customer insight and knowledge of Google Ads, it’s very much possible to have a lucrative search campaign for your ecommerce. All you need is a professional PPC management agency with years of industry experience helping your business every step of the way and boosting ROI while re-establishing your brand online through ad campaigns.

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