Digital Transformation: How Technology Can Help Your Small Business Grow

Small business owners both young and old are coming to terms with the fact that – without technology – doing business in our modern digital economy isn’t possible.

Moreover, simply having a website or social media page isn’t enough. Business tech must be streamlined and optimized for each business to help efficiently carry out essential business operation activities.

Service providers such as Mustard IT help SME’s better incorporate technology into their workflow, but business owners’ should have a rudimentary understanding of what these services are to best take advantage of them. While an IT service provider can help you make the most of what you currently have, if your business is using the wrong technology, it doesn’t matter how well that service is set up – it just won’t do what needs to be done. Thus, having a flexible system would be a plus factor to top your competitors. You need to build stronger relationships with customers, improve sales and service productivity, and provide a platform that helps to achieve full data visibility through CRM. Visit to learn more about it.

Furthermore, business owners must understand their specific environment, industry, and clientele to use technology that appropriately meets the requirements of these stakeholders.

The External Environment

Regardless of your industry, there are several external factors that you’ll want to control to keep your business in tip top shape. This includes aspects like market trends, supply chain management, marketing, digital security, consumer behavior, and others. While you can’t have complete control over things like consumer behavior, understanding it and being able to forecast can help you 1) develop a strategy and 2) keep your business relevant over the long term.

On that note, digital security must be part of any business’ overall strategy if they wish to succeed. Unfortunately, small businesses underestimate the importance of digital security when they’re the ones most affected by it. Research suggests that nearly 60% of all digital attacks are aimed at small businesses.

The Internal Environment

Especially for businesses making the transition from brick-and-mortar to digital, they don’t realize the value their infrastructure can bring to their work. After the pandemic, the digital space has gotten so overcrowded that most businesses are finding it difficult to not only make new customers, but retain existing ones. Businesses across all industries report that they are paying considerably more to develop new customer relations and strengthen existing ones.

The fact of the matter is businesses need to provide customers with more value at the same price point to make their offer stand out. The best way to do this is to improve the business’ internal workflow to decrease costs and increase value.

The Digital Environment

The digital environment is a big place with many moving parts.

Depending on your business’ size and the type of industry you’re in, you’ll need specific product and service solutions to improve your business performance.

However, there are four fundamentals that apply to every kind of business, no matter how small or big, that you must consider when investing in your organization’s digital infrastructure.


Whether you’re a one-man start-up or an organization with dozens of employees, the weakest link will always be the least competent person.

Overall, you want a team that’s equally trained, equally educated, and equally competent in using technology to their advantage. Whether that’s digitizing internal processes, getting digital accounting solutions, or marketing on digital platforms, the amount of success you have with these endeavors is directly correlated with the competence of the people performing these tasks.

One of the most valuable things you can do is to invest in your human resource department (HR) and elevate them to a level where not only are they producing great work, they’re getting maximum utility from the resources available to them. You can achieve this with a solid IT support team, as your employees 1) get to learn the ropes under the wing of a seasoned professional and 2) it won’t cost you an arm and a leg to do so.


Security will always be something that needs constant maintenance. The digital environment is always changing, and businesses must cope with new threats every day. Just because your system is secure today doesn’t mean it will be safe tomorrow.

Digital security should be consistently invested in, and is one area where you need experts to help you out. Managed IT services help you achieve this instead of spending a lot of money to hire (expensive) internal staff, and you also receive many other benefits like 24/7 support and system monitoring.


If you’ve succeeded in hiring the best people you can find, you need to supplement their skill set with an infrastructure that will help them generate the highest quality and quantity of output.

You might not always know what the best digital solution to your problem is, which is why it pays to have a team of professionals who can answer that question for you. An IT support team will help you create an infrastructure that not only meets your needs today, but will continue to serve you when you need to scale up.


Cloud computing is the technology of the future, and the future is now.

You can use the cloud for a variety of services, and it can help you improve performance while reducing costs. However, being a slightly more technical service, it’s a good idea to have a specialist support provider who can help you make the most of this technology.

Digitally Transform and Grow Your Business with Technology

Before you delve into the digital arena, consult with a specialist who has experience with your business and industry.

If you’ve already taken the plunge, it’s never too late to ask an expert to improve what you’re doing.

You can figure it out as you go, but do you really have the time and the money to learn through trial and error?

Save yourself the headache and set yourself up for success today by investing in the services of an IT support team.

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