The Best Gift a PM Could Get In 2023

best gift a pm could get

Best And Amazing gift a PM could get will be described in this article. I’ve been a product manager for almost 15 years, and in that time I’ve had the good fortune to learn so much from my amazing coworkers and teachers, customers, on-the-job training, and training sessions. But I’ve always wished I had more access to a specific resource that would have allowed me to advance in my job and contribute ten times more value. The time is that resource.

Specifically, the opportunity to create thoughtful strategies, consider user issues in depth, and advance as a PM. It’s not just me. Working on reactive duties rather than proactive planning was one of the worst aspects of the job, according to a survey of 2500 product managers. This is almost always a sign that there isn’t enough focused time. Since the PM position is inherently cross-functional, there is very little time to consider alternative product paths, pinpoint non-starters, and fine-tune product strategy.

The Best Gift a PM Could Get In 2023

In this article, you can know about The Best Gift a PM Could Get In 2023 here are the details below;

Additionally, the epidemic introduced some fresh challenges that complicated the situation. I discovered I needed more time to advance the team, strengthen relationships, or even find the ideal time to meet as people went remote across a variety of time zones. All of this reduced the amount of uninterrupted time in the workday for personal development, which made me feel less satisfied in my position.

When I began using Clockwise, that changed. Your calendar is automatically managed by Clockwise, which also finds ways to reorganise your schedule so that you and your coworkers have more free time.

By linking Clockwise to your calendar, it can learn your tastes and coordinate team schedules to increase productivity. My output has changed significantly thanks to Clockwise in three key ways:

1 — Guaranteed stretches of unbroken time

Unbroken time has a value that is difficult to explain, particularly to other PMs, before you’ve had a few workweeks with it. Clockwise offers two effective methods for achieving this: Whether it’s for original, unconventional thought or in-depth analysis, I’m at my best in the morning.

Since Clockwise is aware of this, it utilises my preferences to reserve at least 15 hours of Focus Time each week in blocks of at least two hours. To my teammates, the explicit blocks are an indication that I’m focused. Other people are discouraged from scheduling during that time unless it is urgent or essential, which naturally focuses attention on high-value tasks.

The best part is that if a conflict arises, these timeslots are flexible, ensuring that I will have uninterrupted time for at least one day per week. A flexible meeting can move to make time for me and the other attendees, and Clockwise also enables me to designate a meeting as flexible. Therefore, I can be confident that Clockwise will manage moving this meeting to give me more time if I agreed to it two weeks ago but the time slot is no longer ideal or something has come up in the meantime.

Together, these features ensure that my timetable is always optimised and that I have two uninterrupted hours of time each day. This enables me to quickly iterate on a job and really focus on it, greatly enhancing the quality of my output. For instance, I recently worked with my team to analyse some of our engagement statistics and develop projects that can actually be implemented to increase engagement.

It was necessary to explore various variables and connect various data sources for this.

This could have easily taken two months if the plan had been disorganised. But thanks to Clockwise’s Focus Time blocks, I was able to finish this study in just over a week — that’s almost 80% quicker!

The quality of my research also increased with dedicated time, and the insights it produced helped me create an actionable short-term roadmap.

2 — Eliminating scheduling anxiety

Early in my career, there was an ongoing joke that PMs are just glorified note-takers and schedulers (mostly among non-PMs). It is true that PMs typically plan the majority of meetings because they are the ones who drive execution. Finding a time to meet is an important but difficult job.

Multiple deadlines, preferences, and calendars must be balanced along with the proportional importance of each attendee’s time. Multiple time zones, No Meeting Days, and busy participants can all make scheduling a gathering feel nearly impossible. The main scheduling lesson from Clockwise is that there is frequently no established “best” hour for any meeting.

Calendars are really dynamic, even if I played calendar Tetris to find a suitable time slot for everyone when scheduling. On the day of the meeting, a good moment today might not be ideal. Clockwise provides excellent scheduling recommendations for any meeting that take into consideration the preferences of all attendees and the current state of their calendars.

But by designating that gathering as flexible as well, I can guarantee that Clockwise continually searches for a better time to reserve the most Focus Time for everyone.

As a result, we can work together as a team, make timely progress, and still feel like we have enough Focus Time to each do our best job.

The pressure to “get the time correct” is completely removed by this simple realisation, which makes scheduling a breeze for me.

Do you think 10 a.m. on Monday is a good moment to meet with my vice president?

It makes no difference because Clockwise can later adjust the time for us if it is incorrect.

3 — Normalizing focus time in the Culture

When everyone on your team starts to find uninterrupted periods of time during the workday, something really interesting happens: the culture begins to change to revere and protect these time blocks.

When you have uninterrupted time, Clockwise automatically sets your Slack status and syncs your calendar with messaging apps like Slack.

Picture from

Your coworkers will be aware that you are in the middle of a 2+ hour Focus Time stretch when you sync your status to Slack, and because they respect uninterrupted time, they are much less likely to disturb you with messages or for things that can wait.

Furthermore, when my colleagues schedule meetings with me using Clockwise’s recommendations, they are already choosing times that guarantee a specific amount of Focus Time remains on my calendar.

And by making these gatherings flexible, it will continue to be that way.

These three elements work together to ensure that I have both a large amount of time to work and time that is of a high calibre.

Since Clockwise began streamlining my plan three months ago, I’ve had a lot more time to work on challenging, crucial issues and thereby contribute 10x more value to my team, the product, and our user base. What would you do with the gift of additional time, then? I’m really curious.

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