5 Office Security Tech Tips To Protect Employees

Are you considering implementing more security technology to protect your office space and employees?

You need to know about the top security solutions for offices and the security solutions that will help to futureproof your office in light of the modern threat sphere.

Keep reading as we discuss the 5 office security tech tips to protect employees, create a safe working environment, and protect your company’s physical and digital resources.

Implementing Access Control

Access control is at the heart of any commercial building security strategy, and you need to choose a top-tier access control solution to provide the following assurances:

Touchless and cloud-based access control is one of the most sought-after technologies in the access control sphere. It provides all the above benefits and is a highly user-friendly solution for your building’s security strategy.

Touchless access control does not require fob or keycard locks; your employees can download access keycards to their mobile devices. This allows you to reduce losses on keycard and fob replacement while making the onboarding process much smoother for new employees.

Touchless access control improves daily security operations in the following ways:

Cloud-Based Surveillance Systems

In addition to providing access control to prevent unauthorized users from entering your offices, you must provide security camera systems. This is for a few reasons:

Cloud-based surveillance systems quickly become favored in the security sphere due to convenience. Rather than sit in a control room all day, monitoring surveillance feeds, your security staff can maintain visibility while attending to other on-site tasks. They can view security camera data from anywhere on their mobile applications.


Cloud-based security solutions like the ones listed above provide numerous benefits for your security strategy – including open API integrations. Below are some of the best integrations for your security system to help you understand the benefits of open API integrations.

Access Control And Video Surveillance

One of the major flaws in any access control system is the potential for an intruder to enter the building using someone else’s access credentials. To prevent this from happening, you need to implement identity verification processes at your building’s entrance. To do this, you can integrate access control and video surveillance, which will provide the following benefits:

Visitor Management Software

Visitor management isn’t just crucial to your admin and appointment scheduling processes; it serves an essential function in keeping your employees safe. Keeping accurate visitor logs will aid in a security investigation. It will provide more safety for building visitors during evacuation procedures – informing building security teams of precisely who is inside the building.

Visitor management software is a solution that automates the visitor management process. It integrates with access control, providing building users with digital visitor registration forms they must fill out before entering the building.

Once they have completed the form, the visitor can enter the building using temporary access credentials, which will be revoked when they leave. The system will keep records of your visitors’ entry and exit times for accuracy and proactive security management.Wellness Verification Software

In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, keeping your employees safe at work no longer concerns their physical safety from security threats – it also affects their health. You need to take measures that prevent symptomatic individuals from entering the workplace and causing an outbreak.

Wellness verification software helps you to achieve this by providing users with digital symptom surveys they must complete before entering the building. If they are symptomatic, the system will block their access to the building, and your company can handle the incident at your discretion, according to your COVID-19 workplace policy.

Alarm And Emergency Evacuation Systems

Emergency evacuation procedures are the cornerstone of building health, safety, and security. You need alarm systems to meet industry regulations and health and safety standards. The more agile your emergency response strategy is, the more likely you will mitigate the impact of a security breach, natural disaster, or fire in the building.

Below is a list of some of the alarm system options at your disposal to improve your emergency response procedures:

By opting for cloud-based alarm systems, your security staff can directly receive alerts based on alarm triggers on their mobile devices. From there, they can use other remote management features in your security system to initiate lockdown and emergency evacuation procedures and investigate the issue using your surveillance system.


You are directly responsible for your employee’s health and well-being as an employer. By implementing agile and effective security solutions, you can ensure that you take every possible measure to keep your employees safe. Consider the security tools listed in this article and which solutions might reduce vulnerabilities in your current security system. Placing security as a priority will enable you to prevent security breaches, harm to your employees, and losses for your business.

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